DiggerDawson, I am developing our website in exactly the same scenario. Our current 'live' site is 3.x and I'm upgrading to 5.1.1 (at the moment). I have a WAMP server on my Windows 11 local machine, and so am creating the new site on that. Periodically, I'm running an akeeba backup, and then copying that to our live hosting server, where I have the new v5 site as a subdomain, distinct from our main site. The purpose behind that is so that our Trustees can see what is actually growing from the new site and then comment etc., on it. It's further helped by the fact that our hosting account allows different PHP versions for different subdomains. So, there's no problem on that score.
I am also updating another site to v.5.1.1. That site is currently running v2.x so is in dire need of updating, both for the usual new functionalities, styles and templates of J.v.5 over J.v.2, but also because of added security tightening. The problem with that site, however, is that while our v.2 site is only running PHP 5.x, the latest Joomla requires PHP 8.x, and there's no way that we can have two seperate PHP versions in the same hosting package. In that case, I am using a 'spare' hosting account I personally have so that I can demonstrate the new style website and its functionalities, and we'll be able to parallel run with that site until we're happy and then I can migrate that to our main hosting package, link it to our domain name and upgrade our PHP version. So while it is fairly easy to build a new J.v.5 site on a local WAMP server 'box', it also depends on what access you have to the final hosting account, and whether they allow you to have multiple versions of PHP, multiple subdomains, etc.
I am also updating another site to v.5.1.1. That site is currently running v2.x so is in dire need of updating, both for the usual new functionalities, styles and templates of J.v.5 over J.v.2, but also because of added security tightening. The problem with that site, however, is that while our v.2 site is only running PHP 5.x, the latest Joomla requires PHP 8.x, and there's no way that we can have two seperate PHP versions in the same hosting package. In that case, I am using a 'spare' hosting account I personally have so that I can demonstrate the new style website and its functionalities, and we'll be able to parallel run with that site until we're happy and then I can migrate that to our main hosting package, link it to our domain name and upgrade our PHP version. So while it is fairly easy to build a new J.v.5 site on a local WAMP server 'box', it also depends on what access you have to the final hosting account, and whether they allow you to have multiple versions of PHP, multiple subdomains, etc.
Statistics: Posted by robinsonpj — Tue Jun 11, 2024 12:00 am